The Nexus

Armstrong Economics


I find Armstrong Economics to be fascinating. Whether you belive in the ability of history to predict market cycles, or not, there is no denying the insight of this man. 

Mark Scharenbroich


Mark Scharenbroich is a wonderful speaker, author, and humorist. Having a positive impact on those around really is as easy as Acknowledge, Honor, and Connect. In case no one has told you today, hey nice bike!

Harvard Business Review


HBR is simply the best.

Dave Ramsey

Whether young, or not so young, I recommend the Dave Ramsey approach to anyone. Straight forward, ac

No matter the age or career status I recommend Dave Ramsey to everyone. Straight forward, common sense advice that anyone can use to make positive change.

Leadership Freak


Leadership  Freak is filled with passion, motivation, and humor. If you are starting to feel a little empty, recharge with this site.

Seth Godin


Marketing is a science, but it doesn't have to be boring. Seth Godin proves that point.

Essential Reading

Nice Bike: Making Meaningful Connections on The Road of Life - Mark Scharenbroich

A how to guide for improving the humanity in your organization and living a deeper, more rewarding life.  In case no one has told you today, Hey Nice Bike!

Man's Search for Meaning - Viktor Frankl

I wish that I had read this as a younger man, If you want to learn how to derive satisfaction, no matter how difficult your life, this plainly written masterpiece by Viktor Frankl will leave an indelible mark on your life. 

The Law - Frederic Bastiat

If you think the problems we experience in the world today are new, The Law, written in 1850, by Frederic Bastiat reads like it was written yesterday. The more things change.....

Quiet, the Power of Introverts in A World That Can't Stop Talking - Susan Cain

A book to empower the introvert in everyone. If you have that quiet, studious person in your life, Susan Cain's book offers immense insight. Even if  you don't know an introvert, every manager should have this in their tool belt. 

The Tipping Point - Malcolm Gladwell

Seriously, if you are a marketer and haven't read this ya kinda need to!

How WIll You Measure Your Life - Clayton M. Christensen

What benchmarks do you use in your life? Money, title, address? What about the measurements that really matter? What's your legacy going to be the day they close your box?